Thursday, March 14, 2024

 Short Note on the Theoretical Physics of Grace

(with an application to political systems)

Rev. Douglas Olds

December 12, 2024 

The Second Law of Thermodynamics informs us that entropy degrades every closed system--that the entropy (or disorder) of an isolated [closed] system increases over time, meaning the universe, as a closed whole, is moving towards a state of maximum disorder.

In such a state, only the constancy of renewal—the earth’s essence—from the open system of sun, spirit, rain, new generations of vitality and genius of language and art can keep the church from closing its doors to renewal and providence. For if it does, it becomes at first chaotic, then tepid, then saltless and insipid. What the Shema calls us earth imagers (Trustees) of the divine to: the endless expansion of purpose, empathy, intelligence/logos, and kinesthetic schema (soul). And teleology emerges from the renewing earth and is recognized as its essence that becomes part of the human essence of repair. In this, teleology is attended as a Trinitarian feature, a union of the human trustee and the earth divine imager of grace's heart. Teleology manifests the operation of summed spiritual inputs as the First Law of Thermodynamics. In such a case of the operation of these two laws of thermodynamics, the possibility of either historical recurrence or general--rather than generational cohort--decadence is metaphysically negated.

Teleology can either be denied—and resisted as a force instead to wallow in walled-off, separate, static definitions of “nature" attributed and tied to physicality and position[1]--or

cast in secular terms in neoliberalism’s updating of mammon: the moral horror of consequentialist “thinking,” (non-empathetic and inconsiderate of moral claims and duties—the disparagement of “moralism”),  aligned with the warrant of ignorance by bourgeois anonymity, crowd mirroring, celebrity-careerist vapidity, “bro-sports speak” and  “I think you’re pretty, do you think I am?” that never goes anywhere but to serve misleading appetites for security and affirmation-- 

or it can become part of an reformed awareness, an alignment, a caring attendance. This is the crux and touchstone of humanities portraying character development by the Golden Rule. In theological terms, grace is the eternal and infinite reaching into and leavening closed systems (institutions and self-styled idols) to reform them and so to sustain the creation by turning outward to heal neighbor. It axiomatically follows, as God is becoming all in all (1 Corinthians 15:28 etc.) , that physics must reflect the metaphysical primacy (not supersession) of grace. But currently obscured by the operation of justice that unstops the flow of Providential grace. The integration of physics into metaphysics becomes evident to our consciousness in Christ manifesting God's conative will. And his Church thereby Reforms by grace, beginning with the Church and is Always Reforming (Gratia reformata semper reformanda).  The Protestant call for the church and broader society is to pursue spiritual expansion, extension of perfecting ideals, and  rejuvenating deinstitutionalization as generations process.  By this the earth is on the path to repair, new generations of humanity redeemed, and through which eternity is temporally launched, peopled, mirrored, and won.

So that as material life reveals entropy-dissipating processes, then it follows that grace is its recognizable Spiritual manifestation. Trinitarian metaphysics of sacrificial other-directedness and physical accommodation and feeding reveals how life is sustained and extended by the conation of grace: the will to sustain and carry and launch and flourish and ramify through substance by expressions of grace and its aligning, taxic nature. Activated by human alignment, grace breaks (into) and reforms (re-souls) closed off, isolating, and toxic entities into their created potentials. So that entropy, that vexing feature of trying to live without work or obligation to others, is rather the nature of eternity that essentializes the human role to bridge what is passing away (by entropy) to what will, by our applied conation of heart and service, endure and expand with the cosmos. Entropy, then, Christologically understood, is a substance that transcends metaphor to provide the enduring grounds to living hope by its disspation.[2]


Power structures, particularly those in closed 'inner circle' cultures, function as entropy-spreading systems. They strive to maintain their position in a social order by exploiting subordinates, a practice doomed to failure as prophesied in scriptural teachings about ethical downfall. To enclose and sustain power, inner circle culture is an entropy-spreading system that climbs mountains on the backs of subordinates and is thus the palette of the prophetically goat-doomed. As David French notes (NYT 12/7/23), its religious forms are marked by certainty, ad hominem “ferocity, and solidarity (loyalty + confidentiality)” to maintain an elite’s control of narratives, especially those that privilege their “power” at the expense of enemy outsiders, esp. traitors to this culture. Censorship is ever the scandal of new categories of ethnicity, as inner rings try to control debate and separate wheat from chaff, friends from enemies. In this, they close off avenues for grace (Hebrews 13:2): they are doomed by closure. John 3:20.

In the same way, contemporary geopolitical revanchism is certain to fail as its actors propose that ancient civilizations should assert distinct, ethnic sovereignty under authoritarian leadership against the universalism ("monotone") of the liberal and representative democratic West. Assertive ethnocentricism disguised as a multipolar world, where global powers, re-rooted in exclusive traditions and histories, become overtly imperialist are doomed on global stage by reason of their retreat from individual openness. Instead, their attempt cannot succeed to retrieve a collective idea of ethnic closure to ground their territorial expansionist intentions. The Thousand-Year Reich lasted perhaps 1/2 generation, and such experiments may have a similar temporal limit.

The ideology of expansion rooted in closure—whether territorial, historical, or ethnic—is a profound metaphysical contradiction. It attempts to fuse degrading forces of entropy with principles of creative vitality—such as liberation and the light of genius—which it cannot sustain, generate, contain, or deny. A stagnating and stultifying militarist, academic or priestly hierarchy, clinging to ancestral retrieval and the values of the dead,[3] inevitably strives to suppress openness to innovation and the energies of creative renewal. Yet, such vitality, driven by generational change and spiritual insight, will inevitably break through at the Spirit's appointed time, dissolving the constraints of closure attempting to avoid the future and its heralding a future where human potentialities of every citizen is welcomed and actuated.

Contrary to Joan Didion, it is far easier to see the end of things for closed off systems than the beginning of things in the addition of indestructible energies--new birth, new genius, the opening of eternity's door by a single and clear expression of grace. Not in the beginning of eternity but in its becoming by the indestructible waves of love in the genius of solid faith. A new Silent Night against which the gates of hell's bullhorn ultimacy cannot withstand (Matt. 16: 18). This, and only this, is what we mean when we sing, "Onward Christian soldiers" sent to march against the gates of hell with healing in our wings.


We come to recognize, by the Spirit of Pentecost, that an ethnos/nation is a language group (Acts 2:1-12) not a tribal structure, so to discern political lies & propaganda function as ethnic “treason.” Beware the ad hominem sleight, redirecting questions of intent (logos) into disputes about “numbers.”  And the “spirit of perpetual, unrepentant, anger-filled derision towards dissent:” revilement of the Kingdom of God, to be avoided. (1 Cor 5:11, 6:10). Concocting enemies is the Machiavellian proclivity, mode, and ploy of [Schmittian] religious politics to justify strong man saviors and warrant their violence.


[1] Used to explore ontological and foundational questions, the idea of organicism is the central feature of self-focusing or group-sustaining systems attempting to avoid mechanistic determinism and outside influence defined as decadence. When applied to the divine 'nature,' as Bavinck (Eglinton, 2014 978-0567417480) did—according with Schelling's speculations—it conceptualizes divinity as a series of interdependent wholes. These wholes resemble living organisms or are represented by evolving institutions, sustained through internal and external interactions (homeostasis). However, in theological contexts, such application is errant and leads to tragic outcomes and inhumane applications. It contradicts the doctrines of divine sufficiency and impassability, ignores the ontological precedence of divine existence over material causation, and misinterprets the Trinitarian will through a Hegelian lens. As it is concerned with self and friends, and so self-aware and -defined rather than other-directed to outreach and care, assisting Providence in Creation initiated in, if not reducible to, metaphysical conation (see Olds 2023, esp. Appendix 1). All else speculation into the divine being are formalizing conceits of the finite human mind.

Organicism's application to practical theology involves hegemonic flattening of diverse communities into the monolithic claims of self-sustaining institutionalism,, that idolatry which ever obscures individual and minority voices and perspectives of potentiality and genius within these communities, rendering history to a backward search for continuity and grounding the hegemonizing pursuit of "retrieval of orthodoxy." Organicism is thus a signal feature of determinist programs for social ordering and chained being. In other words, a closed historical system of collectivization.  Collectivation based on form rather than energizing cycles and launch by the Holy Spirit. Absent that, any  dogma or coercive order of form and formalism is entropic.

[2] How contrary this is to Carl Schmitt's false and deadening political theology in the Concept of the Political, part 3:

"The fundamental theological dogma of the evilness of the world and man leads, just as does the distinction of friend and enemy, to a categorization of men and makes impossible the undifferentiated optimism of a universal conception of man."

Enemy categorization is a closed and therefore degrading and decadent process, and its politics are doomed.

[3] See the discussion of historical recurrence and typology of form  in my review of a History of Religion(s) approach to biblical texts, particularly my extended discussion of Mircea Eliade. Both in terms of metacriticism and of phenomenology, Nietzschean and  determining "historicism" of recurrence are ideological systems of closure. They thus opposed to the dynamism and flow of telic grace valorized in this essay. So too organicism noted in footnote 1, a paradigm of Bavinck's systematics that encloses the divine inside material collectives and predicaments which suggests a hardening of Rahner's Rule, closing off the transcendent Trinity from an analysis of economic operations to focus on the destiny of orders. 

It may also be argued that categorical logic imposes closure on its predicates, thereby favoring form derived from historical modeling rather than telic energy encountered in contemporary experience. For a more dynamic appreciation of otherness and teleology, those who resist closure but from different angles include Gadamer’s hermeneutics [which author misreads Herder and the Gospel of John from a Kantian-Platonist lens on Logos], Levinas’s ethics of otherness, and Charles Taylor’s retrieval of transcendence [itself enclosing when concerned with form. However, his more recent work reframing poetry in ethical extension and immanence suggests an emerging awareness of ambient forces and conative vectors]. Taylor and Herder are waystations in encountering claims that form--e.g. Balthasar/Hart's idea of beauty--stabilizes or even institutionalizes  grace (or James K.A. Smith's idea that love liturgically orders nature, perhaps risking making the present moment contingent on preferred eschatological forms--a transcendentalizing of imagination and ritual venue or artifact--rather than its grace aligning, enabling energies of present-moment immanence. Neglecting to shift from form to lived immediacy).

See a forthcoming essay on this blog of the influence of Kant and Kantianism on enclosing logic and closed categorical, systematizing epistemology that prioritizes ego freedom tethered (as a prioris) to self-derived choice of ends and means, thereby accelerating philosophy's turn from virtues of accountability that reached its peak in Heideggerian existentialism. Philosophies in this trajectory emphasize autonomy and existential self-creation. For Kant, this represents a move away from traditional forms of accountability tied to divine or communal norms, reflecting the Enlightenment's broader rejection of traditionalism. While Kant’s categorical imperative attempted to reconcile autonomy with universal ethical norms, it ultimately prioritizes ego freedom inside the primacy of cognition rather than the heart's will, making the former the center of human essence rather than the latter as from the Shema (Deut 6:4-9). 

The Shema’s kerygma is God's love literarily double-helixed to the heart. The mind waits its strategic function in and after the New Testament's realization (Matt. 22:37) of the Jeremiah (31) covenant of heart in the life of Jesus. The heart's intent--conation-- is the essence of humanity realizing its metaphysical potential. It places accountability to God's heart at the center of human essence, prioritizing relational and ethical dimensions over abstractions of epistemology as absolute or transcendentalizing. By rooting human essence in a responsive and accountable will oriented toward divine justice, the Shema challenges frameworks like Kant’s, which risk reducing ethical action to intellectual exercises shaped by strategic and ego-determined programs-- his focus on a "kingdom of ends." Unlike Kant’s categorical imperative, which seeks universality in abstraction and thus favors calculation more than immediacy of responsibility to the moment, the Shema’s ethical orientation demands a lived accountability that is relational, embodied, and responsive to the demands of divine justice in the present moment--where the will has taken on the training of almost a reflexive virtue of loving duty.

 For Heidegger, existentialism's cognitive framing absent the heart's accountability to justice arises from a focus on the certainty of death, which relativizes the necessity of ethics by framing it within individual authenticity.  Heidegger's relativizing of ethics wavers between poles of negation of universality to that of situational ethics, or the outright rejection of ethical accountability to the demand of existence. In either case, Heidegger’s concept of Dasein roots authenticity in the a priori of one’s unique existence--its place and position-- defined by the march toward death, and any self-identified commonalities [mitsein] thereof that might facultatively and situationally bring considerations of Sorge (caring), though Sorge remains bound to individual existence and lacks a universal ethical foundation.

Monday, March 11, 2024


A Sensorium of Brokenness and Delight: 

An Anthology of Metaphysical Poetry

(Douglas Olds, February 2024 In process)

Linked here

Saturday, March 9, 2024


SERMON "The Lenten Walk with The Condemning"

March 10, 2024

Point Reyes (CA) Community Presbyterian Church

Rev. Douglas Olds

The AUDIO of this sermon (which departs from the following text at places) is linked HERE  

[n.b. correction: for the use of the word "trumpet" in the audio, replace with "festal shout."]


First Reading Numbers 21:4-9

4From Mount Hor they set out by the way to the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; but the people became impatient on the way. 5The people spoke against God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we detest this miserable food.” 6Then the LORD sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many Israelites died. 7The people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned by speaking against the LORD and against you; pray to the LORD to take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people. 8And the LORD said to Moses, “Make a poisonous serpent, and set it on a pole; and everyone who is bitten shall look at it and live.” 9So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon a pole; and whenever a serpent bit someone, that person would look at the serpent of bronze and live.


NT Reading: Gospel of John 3:13-21

13 No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.14“And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.

16“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

17“Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18Those who believe in him are not condemned; but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. 20For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. 21But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God.”

Our readings this morning explore how the spirit of condemnation, lifted in the hand’s of God’s OT people, works in God’s creation by grace, lifted up in the NT Christ. These stories tell us what God is not and what God is. The OT story of the serpent lifted up is what God is not and what is defeated, and the Christ lifted up is what God is and how God is victorious. The supposed divine condemnation versus the God of sacrificial love who pulls out every stop to keep God’s creation alive.

 In the Book of Numbers, the Israelites are wandering in the desert after they have been liberated by the miracle working of Moses, but they quickly fall away with very tragic results by building the Golden Calf while Moses is up on the mountain of Sinai receiving the commandments of God.

This is a most serious transgression—these idolators have turned away from their relationship with Moses’ God who liberated them from the Egyptian system and return to that system seeking security in an idea of a god who is fashioned of gold as if it will, by being worshipped with gold annealed to its body,  dispense gold back!  This is the false transactional theology that “feeds” a deity. Transactional theology is the epitome of idolatry. Idolotries of transactional relationships with God and neighbor are everywhere today, monetized. It comes forth in every generation, even in Christianity if not especially.

This offense of the Golden Calf leads to what the Torah presents as a 40 year period of wandering and testing in the desert. Only after the entire Golden Calf generation has died—Moses too--are their children and grandchildren allowed to cross the Jordan River into the promised land under Moses’ lieutenant, Joshua.

During these wanderings, the Israelites reveal themselves to be “stiff-necked,” recalcitrant, grumbling, back-biting, gossipy. This is not an inherent character, what Darwinians might call “genetic” (with all the tragic results of reducing a people into their DNA), but the wandering people who had been slaves (and which included non-descendants of Jacob) were people who shared a historical language, now a language being shaped by liberation and their realization that they were living with and in and by God—the God of Abraham and Jacob. This is important: “ethnos”--nation--in the Bible is a language grous, not kinship structures, and certainly not an administrative unit organized by politics. Think of this whenever you hear the word “ethnic.” Do they mean it as a DNA lineage, or in the Biblical sense of language group?

It is thus ever important to parse the speech acts in the Bible. And in this reading from the Book of Numbers, we have no quotes, but we have an implied culture and expression of gossip and grumbling. And the symbolic dimensions of lifting up the serpent  symbol after the grumblers were bitten indicate three important theological points:

1)        Grumbling, gossip, scoffing, innuendo, sneering, snark, slander, and haughty poses of bemused detachment valorized as ironical but withdraw from fellowship reveal a spirit of condemnation in their practitioners. What is condemning will be mirrored. What is healing will be mirrored. This derives from the metaphysics of the heart.

2)        Mirroring is the operation of “accountability,” and the virtue of accountability is to recognize and accept that mirroring, as the course of God’s justice. The wandering Israelites, in their verbal doggerels of condemnation, reveal their spiritual participation in the serpent’s spirit transmitted to humanity by the disobedience of Adam. We are, as Luther says, enslaved by that spirit which acts out in all forms of condemnation, violence, backbiting, conspiratorial thinking, plotting, revenge. The list is long.  To the extent that the Israelites can come to appreciate that their spirit of condemnation—which we might call the demonic—is of the serpent and that the serpent comes against them as a warning and mirror, they can learn accountability to a different spirit. It takes 13 centuries to get the Egypt of the Golden Calf out  of them and get them to the place of the Golden Rule of the pure living lamb. 13 Centuries of mirroring—doubling back in the desert of generations to learn accountability. This wandering and mirroring and warning repeats over and over again in the histories, wisdom, and prophetic books in the OT. Look for it. It's why many think history repeats, but indeed it is our shared experience of doubling back in the wilderness, our conduct being mirrored until we learn accountability and are released into the sunshine of grace, learning grace, attending to grace, walking in the way of Jesus. History does not repeat, but generations have to learn the lessons of accountability ever anew.

3)        God, with God’s primary attribute of grace, heals the injustices of the serpent spirit by sending a program that awakens the awareness of the Israelites beset by snakebites. God initiates repair by sending a symbol for recognizing our condemning nature and overcoming our false sense of  justice that mirrors the condemning demon—which all human culture shares in biases and prejudices and preferring its privileged ideas of favored social orders and kinship. The serpent of condemnation is overcome in this story by an act of grace in a visual (and certainly deliberated) symbol: the lifting up of the serpent as the vanguard of the advancing people who are trusting God’s promised victory over the serpent. They are receiving God’s assurance that the serpent demon always condemining is conquered, and that those who encounter from the outside this vanguard and symbol may come to deliberate its meaning. We are those outside that vanguard, reading of this imaging of grace and accountability and deliberating of the virtues and the theology nested in this story.


Application: new demons of condemnation have morphed in modernity—changed their tune: We see it boredom and the affects of irony (acedia) which may not condemn, but it resists accountability to participate in progress and healing. Acedia has societal implications that posits a virtue in withdrawal from a culture it doesn’t understand. Withdrawal in chronic melancholy has a foundation in condemning, of finding fault with the world, rejecting the world.

Acedia, a blend of bored withdrawal and ironic detachment from things that ever go wrong. This is a religiosity of fatalism: that things never go our way as we’ve planned them. Because, don’t’ you know, they are bringing God’s judgment on us. Their Beliefs are flawed; their love is flawed. Yours and mine, gossipers agree, are the preferred ends because they are God’s ends. Our forms are God’s forms. Our social orders are God’s social orders. Religious authoritarians see themselves and their preferences guarding "God's order" against the excesses of mob democratic rule.

This bias is the danger of Platonic thinking which underlies all condemnation of otherness. Platonist reactionaries going by his name of "republicans" take confidence in the continuation of forms and institutions, so when these fall or are replaced or reformed, the condemning spirit can their sensibilities and comforts that are hurt by change brought by the new. Evil, then, is seen all around encroaching in these new neighbors flooding in. We see it in the over the top alarm about immigrants and open borders these days.

Condemnation and conspiratorial innuendo is "acedia's sin," indicative of love grown cold within a Christian community. Its cult of fatalism is fostered by obfuscation and obscurantism to inhibit original thinking that only derived from a supposedly evil, surrounding culture. 

The tongue's gossip likened to a "chilling rattle," referencing James's depiction of the tongue as a destructive force.

Things seemingly ever go wrong because our ethics are misplaced: we think we have the knowledge of God to bring about God’s will in terms of forms and orders. But we image God not by our foresight of consequence—our knowledge of what the future holds in terms of forms and orders. Instead, we are to image God by our virtues that heal and reconcile the local by the Golden Rule in the moment.

 I wrote a book on this Pastoral Christology centered in virtues to guide Christians away from strategic thinking that ever tempts to become the authoritarian, top-down and coercive serpent of hegemony. Yes, this demon in us will be mirrored to us until we come to feel the power and sublimity of God’s love “lifted up” on the Cross. And then we will lay down our strategic plans that, because it is based on our ego preferences on not on the common good of others. We will move on from anxiety and the consternation we feel at unintended consequences because by virtue we align with God. Our accountability to this God’s justice proceeds by seeing how the blowback of consequences is earned, and is intended to awaken us from false consciousness of beliefs that our intended consequences are not God’s.

When love grows cold within the Christian community, it withdraws into expecting the worst. Love grown cold acts outs in gossip that mirrors the inner condition of its speaker. Love grown cold acts out fatalistically by sitting static and secreted in front of a screen, interjecting condemning  and malicious comments about secret evils lurking in conspiracies in neighbors.  Social media’s "anger-tainment" and performative malice perpetuate a cycle of cynicism and judgment.

The "chilling rattle," a snake, a destructive spark, takes hold, spreading into conflagrations of conspiratorial thinking and accusation. The coldness of the rattle mirrors the coldness of heart. When you hear its rattle, you are in the presence of the condemning, who project their own suspicion into the hearts of others.

There is a Christian Ethic Against Conspiratorial Thinking:

The cultural endorsements of violence and hegemony are grounded in conspiratorial projection about “enemies” plans for another social reality. The Christian ethic of love your neighbors is the foundation of anti-conspiratorial gossip and strategic planning. God says, do not repay evil for evil. I will repay. God’s got this. The strategic outworking of God’s world is in love. Love will conquer the serpent in every generation.  As my friend John Anderson says, “the victory is in the bag.” The Kingdom of God is here in love, and it will NOT be extinguished. Not possible. Though every new generation needs to learn accountability to God’s justice before receiving the magnificent pardon of God’s grace: what John said in our second reading:  14“And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.

What the Cross washes out in this love grown cold in fatalistic withdrawal and postures of innuendo is the tendency to scorn others. What washes out is the possibility of reconciliation with human others who differ from ourselves or our expectations. What is washed by the Cross is the disheartening fear that God is the supreme condemnation, that we under wrath, and this false picture creates so much dysfunction.

The Psalmist has learned to appreciate this message of the desert wanderings and mirroring switchbacks that builds accountability of awareness:


Psalm 107: 17-22

17  Some were sick through their sinful ways,

          and because of their iniquities endured affliction;

18  they loathed any kind of food,

          and they drew near to the gates of death.

19  Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,

          and he saved them from their distress;

20  he sent out his word and healed them,

          and delivered them from destruction.

21  Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love,

          for his wonderful works to humankind.

22  And let them offer thanksgiving sacrifices,

          and tell of his deeds with songs of joy.


And the apostle Paul says this to his church in Ephesus: (Ephesians 2:1-6):


1You were dead through the trespasses and sins 2in which you once lived, following the course of this world, following the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work among those who are disobedient. 3All of us once lived among them in the passions of our flesh, following the desires of flesh and senses, and we were by nature children of wrath, like everyone else. 4But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us 5even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ — by grace you have been saved — 6and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,

My conclusion this morning is ever to embrace the sacrificing goodness and provision of God who will get us out of every abyss into which we fall. But along the way, we come to embrace the Virtue of Accountability as our Lenten Walk in a condemning culture.

Purple is the liturgical color of Lent, a color of swollen wounds that signify penitence but otherwise traditionally associated with royalty. Like I’ve preached before, semiotic (symbolic) meanings are inverted by the NT. Lent is a training of kings—My King is righteousness, Melchizedek lives in shalom-- by defeating the angry, condemning and violent schema (1 Cor 7) of contemporary dynasts and those souls which aspire to such. This purple is the liturgical color of swollen and wounded royalty, which our Lord brings us forth into share his realm. We are battered, and we reach out to the battered, and sustain them as our subjects from our placement as their servants: in Jesus Christ we are responsible for the oppressed, for the battered, and for the enslaved, because God’s creation is entirely intended by God to come in to this world of mutual service, grace, and provision. We align against that messianic vision of a universal course for creation at the risk that we are excluded when we follow an unaccountable path that condemns others’ ends as less valid than our own. Our own gifts, our own children, our own backgrounds, our own monumental forms and institutions, our privileging of our own stories. We have been bitten by snakes of accountability that come from God. Let us recognize how we’ve been left to live for the other story—the righteous, true and beautiful story, of Christ lifted up for our sakes. And may we lift him and up that we may be lifted up ourselves in our service to God and neighbor that sustains and liberates and flourishes all creation. May it be so for you and me, AMEN.