Monday, December 30, 2024

The Aesthetics of Inversion: Cannon-Marshaling Neutralized by the Canon of the Life-Giving Spirit: 

A New Year's Musical Parable of Church and State

Douglas Olds

December 30, 2024

Artistic genius ever toys with hegemons:

"Johann Sebastian Bach created what may be the most celestial and profound body of music in history; Frederick the Great built the colossus we now know as Germany, and along with it a template for modern warfare. Set at the tipping point between the ancient and modern world, their fleeting encounter in 1747 signals a unique moment in history where belief collided with the cold certainty of reason."

At that meeting, "Frederick the Great wrote an incredibly strange and difficult melody (first 20 seconds) then challenged Bach to write a 6 part fugue based on it. This [Bach's reworkings of what he titled "A Musical Offering"] was the result.

"To give an idea of the difficulty, Beethoven struggled to write...a 3 part fugue."--@ryjlocal

That lingering, magnificent, triumphant final chord in the organ version!

And in every version the hegemonic death theme is conquered by Bach through its very reversal!

Bach's canon is the paradigm of life-affirming, grand art,
as sublime prophecy, embodied musical mathematics that thrill.



I wrote a little poem of grace's potential energies to de-form, by reversing, the martial:

12262024  Aura Abouting

Today is our un-Boxing day,

which from now on is a dancing day.

Pugilism's posture inverting:


Switch out your spear's raising

 your partner's arm now lifting

             by Her lead and hand,

and drop your shield unwonted

to cradle her waist, to you press her gently.


And as your heels foursoming ventures unsquaring,

they trowel for where grace's seeds find root.


Perichoresis eternally (s)plays its


flowering by us today.